Cheer Coach

Application for Cheer Coach


  • Coach youth cheerleaders in one of four levels: Instructional, Freshman, Junior Varisty, Varsity
  • You will be considered a role model for young cheerleaders assigned to you; therefore you must illustrate sportsmanship, fairness, and decency in word and deed.


  • Plan and supervise games and practices with your co-coach(es) 
  • Inform players/parents about games, practices, events, cancellations, and make-ups.
  • Learn the cheers before the season begins in order to teach them.
  • Promote the values of responsibility and commitment, and emphasize the importance of academics first and foremost
  • Encourage the involvement of the parents as volunteers for ride sharing, fundraising, etc. 
  • Provide a safe and fun environment for the children. 
  • Learn and follow ALL association and league rules, policies, and procedures. 
  • Assume responsibility for equipment that has been provided by the Lakeland Broncos Program. 
  • Inform the Lakeland Broncos president of any problems.


  • Have patience with others, especially with children. 
  • Be organized. 
  • Be dependable.
  • Be enthusiastic about cheerleading and have a great time while doing it.


  • It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.
  • Coaches will be required to follow all Kensington Valley Conference rules as well as those of the Michigan High School Athletic Association and the Lakeland Broncos.  
  • Coaches will read and follow their coaching responsibility descriptions.
  • Coaches will adhere to the Coaching Code of Conduct. 
  • I will be responsible for my team and team volunteers in assuring they will follow the Bronco Code of Conducts.  
  • I will assure that a violation is addressed and participant is disciplined.  
  • I also have the authority to address any incident that arises with other participants, parents, assistant coaches, unit directors and other team volunteers with due diligence.  If the situation is not under control immediately, I will consult the Board of Directors for assistance.  

Coaches will use the following principles to guide them at all times

  • Make it fun
  • Limit standing around
  • Everyone participates
  • Teach every participant their position(s)
  • Emphasize fundamentals
  • Incorporate progression of skill development for every participant
  • Yell encouragement, whisper constructive criticism. 

The Broncos and you as a coach are committed to providing educational training to the participants while teaching the value of dedication, teamwork, sportsmanship and competition.  Success is not measured only in wins and losses.  Sportsmanship is a priority.  Coaches will always conduct themselves in a manner that brings only respect and admiration to themselves, the Broncos and the community.

If you have any questions please contact

You can view Coaches of Conduct under Forms or click here.  After reviewing the form, hit the back button on your browser to return to the application.

Thank you for giving your time to making the Cheerleading program a success for the Season.

Agreement & Signature Check Box


By signing/submitting the application below, you hereby verify that the information provided is true and correct. I understand that the intent of Lakeland Broncos is to deny a position to anyone convicted of a crime of violence or a crime against another person.

I understand that you must submit and are required to pass a background check through a third party selected by the Broncos organization.

Finally, please understand it is within the Lakeland Broncos sole discretion to decline your application for volunteer/staff services with or without cause and agree to all policies, procedures and direction given by the Lakeland Broncos.



First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Phone Number
Level to Coach
What skills have you acquired
Additional Info
Any additional information about yourself?
Agreement Signature
I agree to adhere to the statements above to the best of my ability
Hat Size
Shirt Size
Required Fields